Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pay Per Click and Facebook Ads: How They Can Work For You ...

What you should adopt as a company when marketing online is that you need both the organic and paid traffic to really enrich your maximum brand exposure. Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Marketing go hand in hand in terms of indicating where the other can refine their skills and increase revenue for your company.

Pay Per Click Advertising
To get that initial interaction you?re looking for, PPC advertising is a good way to encourage consumers to interact with your brand. However, PPC ads can?t be successful without the help of top ranking organic results and the same can be said for organic SEO results. The two need to overlap and work as a team.

Keeping track of your PPC and organic analytics is something that has to be done regularly. Website and social networks are changing all the time so the aim is progress as you learn and change. In SEM and SEO, the search strategies are laden with strong, keyword rich terms which drive traffic to your brand. Measure which keywords are performing well and which ones should be reconsidered. While it is difficult to manage organic and paid per click search terms and their revenue generating capacity, Paid Click Percentage can give you some insight as to how you are doing in both areas.
The fact is searchers are more inclined to click on organic results rather than ads. This is the cautionary behaviour of consumers. The organic search terms will provide you with all the answers of where your SEO side can optimize areas. Sorting through revenue driving terms into paid searches will show you what is working and where optimization skills need to be refined outside of your paid ads.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are shown to be successful through sharing media and organic impressions. The higher the organic traffic your brand receives, the better your paid Facebook Ad campaign will work. Facebook is a trusted and every day part of peoples? social interaction and therefore it is a good environment to place an advert as your audience is psychologically more cooperative. Social Media Optimisation or SMO works on the same principles as how PPC and organic SEO work together and overlap. Measuring your brand?s success through Facebook Ads includes analysing three types of impressions:
Home Page Ads: Paid adsSocial Impressions: a hybrid of paid and earned mediaOrganic impressions: pure earned media

According to Nielson ?those users exposed to both the ?paid ad? and the organic impression remembered the ad at three times the rate of those just exposed to the paid homepage ad,? and that ?homepage ads?increased awareness of the product or brand by 4% on average, but exposure to both homepage ads and organic ads increased awareness by a delta of 13% versus the control group.?

Top Five Tips PPC and Facebook Ads
Buying a Facebook Ad will kick start organic searches for your company.
Approach PPC and organic search terms in a balanced way for optimal understanding of where you are and aren?t generating revenue so you can refine you method.
Provide valuable content on your landing and web pages. This will drive organic searches and give your PPC something substantial to show your potential client when they click.
Decipher who your most interested groups are in your responses to your Facebook Ad. Those who adopt your efforts the most enthusiastically will help you increase your ad?s leverage by responding accordingly to their demographics.
In both PPC and Facebook Ads it is in your best interest to evoke emotion in your potential client. Use strong images and catch phrases that will attract immediate attention and response through clicks.


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