The holiday shopping season isn't over yet but new numbers just out today show sales have rebounded slightly following super storm Sandy. The census bureau reports overall sales nationwide rose point-three percent in November. This comes after sales dropped that same amount in October. Many analysts attributed that decrease to stores that were forced to close in the northeast.
With the national numbers trending up, we talked to a local businesses about why they believe shoppers are spending more confidently this holiday season.
"I came in today to buy a Christmas present for my wife" said Glenn Pierce, just one of the many customers keeping Haywood's Jewelers busy. "Wherever I go, I see more people out spending their bucks."
"People have been excited about the holidays" said Joanna Hudzik, Haywood's co-owner. She says holiday business is up 12-percent this year and she's hired extra staff.
"When the economy originally took a downturn, that's all you heard and customers were coming in and they weren't spending as much and they were talking about it. They're not talking about it and they're coming and spending" said Hudzik.
Because of where Thanksgiving fell this year it's given people an extra week to shop before Christmas and businesses say that's a good thing.
"That got people kind of into the spirit of shopping and gift giving, perhaps a little earlier" said Joyce Waugh the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce President.
She says many local retailers are reporting a boost. We checked with business in downtown Roanoke and Valley View mall management who say they're doing well this holiday season.
"The election is over, a lot of things were wafting for that" said Waugh.
"The real make it or break it time ends up being this next week but going into that week already ahead, is encouraging and exciting" said Hudzik.
Waugh says although retail business is up for some, other sectors are fluctuating, like the restaurant industry in our area.
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