I love cheese!
This weekend I decided it was time to pop into Crystal Palace and treat myself to a selection of cheeses for my Sunday dinner. I have been avoiding cheese like the plague, after I quite possibly consumed more than my weights worth over Christmas. We stuffed ourselves and our guests full of delicious cheeses over a few months and then there was no other option, but to take a bit of a break for fear of me rolling down the road like a gigantic cheese ball.
I?m not going to lie, I?ve nibbled on a bit of cheddar and supermarket bought goats cheese here and there, but it has been quite some time since I invested in some real quality cheeses. All that changed this weekend and I?m back in the cheese game!
Good Taste Food in Crystal Palace offers a whole array of incredible cheeses and charcuterie, as well as beers from microbreweries around the country and wines? Oh so delectable wines! As a cheese novice, I find owner Manish Utton-Mishra and his staff to be excellent at guiding me to make the right choices. They even slip in little notes with your order, which includes the name of the cheese and a brief description about the flavour. I often ask them which of their fantastic range of crackers pair up with the cheeses and always come away with the perfect match.
In the past, I have also purchased rabbit from their store for a delicious bunny rabbit stew, which went down a treat. I had been looking for rabbit for some time to no avail, so this was a most excellent discovery.
Good Taste Food are soon to offer customers the opportunity to sit and relax in their backyard with beer, wine and cheese/charcuterie platters -? Something I will quite happily partake in.? If you get a chance, pop in and see what it?s all about. Crystal Palace is certainly worth the? trip, even if you are not from the area. On a sunny day, you have the park (complete with dinosaurs) and failing that, it is full of top quality restaurants, some excellent pubs as well as vintage furniture stores and many other delights.
It?s all about cheese moderation for me and I most definitely won?t be waiting this long again!
Do you love cheese? Is there a local store that you can?t live without?
Good Taste Food and Drink is located at:
28 Westow Hill, Crystal Palace, London SE19 1RX
Follow them on Twitter HERE
Head to their website HERE
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