My first SNES game. It came with the machine, thankfully. I still remember the first time I saw that Nintendo logo came up, followed by the intro of the game. I?ve made this video to celebrate its re-re-released (2nd time was on GBA) On the Wii Virtual Console in the USA (Monday Feburary 5th 2007) and hope it gets released over here in Europe soon. It has been available to Japan Wii VC from lunch day!). Nothing really much to say, simply the best 2D platform game ever made, introducing Yoshi!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Watch in High Definition! Classic Game Room HD reviews the SUPER NINTENDO controller for the Nintendo SNES video game console. How does this controller compare to the original NES controller and is the Playstation PS1 controller really copied from it? Learn all this and more from this stunning Classic Game Room review of the Super Nintendo gamepad that came with the SNES game console. CGRHD reviews Nintendo hardware, controllers and stuff in this hardware review series reviewing the technical and build quality of these pieces of video game gear. This controller has 4 buttons on the front, a start and select button as well as 2 buttons on the top. This made playing games like Street Fighter 2 easier because it effectively had 6 buttons. For more SNES reviews watch Classic Game Room, a Super Nintendo game reviewer and fan of retro old school classic arcade video games.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
50 Responses to ?SNES Super Mario World?
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ans form blackwater information endeavour wtf shuttle launch
?? ???? ?????? . ???? ?????????????????
@ShiryuGL Until you land on him and come to the realization that you?re falling down a pit
just bought a super nintendo today came with this game free sweet !
There are so much happiness in these old games?.
Awww i remember playing my Uncle?s SNES when i was like 7 when we went round my grandparents to eat sunday dinner with them It?s all flowing back to me now! I got his NES but my Nan accidently dropped the Snes
best time of my life.
The music is so wonderful
@TheTdwpforever haha yeah, I get any snes game for free as well as the turbo grafx and gameboy advance and nintendo 64. I will try out alfred chicken, THANKS
@ShabooMaster NO FUCKEN WAY! HOW. CAN YOU GET ALL SNES GAMAES ON IT?? have you ever played alfred chicken? if not i recommend getting it for your psp then:P
@TheTdwpforever no worries I got this on my psp now and I play it more than ps3 ;p
@ShabooMaster ohhhh! that sucks. the cheapest id sell those is like 1000 dollars:/
fuck. someone who lives in ottawa canada sell me a power supply. lmao
I remeber when i was playing this when i was a kid?.. I got the massive shortcut that basically skips all the way to the final boss i was so proud
So two of my little cousins, both under 10, always play Super Mario DS? After beating many levels for them I decided to show them SMW on my SNES, Their response?
?This is so much like the DS one!?
I said, ?Nope. Other way around!?
Hello, i have 2 questions. 1. How do you do the mega jump parachute thing with the cape. 2. I have the newer one and the older one, are they the same, or does one have better graphics, and is one different in game play?, Ty
im crying right now. why did my dad sell my snes and turbo grafx 16 for $20?
i used to hate when i would be winning the bored, than somebody come and trip over the controller chord and the game freeze. i used to be PISSED!
@ShiryuGL Where to download SNES and Mario???Message for me!!!
@SuperLeonidas14 emulate it, i still have the same snes game and the same super nintendo
never let it go
I think i?m gonna cry, I friggin love this game!!! THE game of my childhood in the 90?s
LOL i used to hate those football players or whatever they were o_O
@TheProduqt17 Bill gates gives a shit load of money to charity every year?hes not greedy. And fuck sega,
@TheProduqt17 dumb ass it was sony
@xan1242 You?re probably right though, I?ve also heard that about the ?cheapest dvd player? thing.
That?s why I always said it was Sony?s fault.
but Produqt, read xan?s comment.
@XcandyXchanX Actually,SEGA self-destructed themselves.Starting with Sega CD and losing money,then 32X and losing money,Saturn was also a bit of fail,Dreamcast failed in Japan as soon as Sony PS2 came out (because it was the cheapest DVD player on the market),and then later in other conturies.
SEGA got desperate and this is what happened.
@TheProduqt17 It wasn?t Microsoft dude, it was Sony -.-
@TheProduqt17 I personally found the sega consoles being a bit horrible. goldeneye sucked too.
@TheProduqt17, I hate XBox too, but Bill Gates doesn?t work at Microsoft anymore, it?s that monkey shit Steve Ballmer. Bill is not greedy, but Steve is.
@TheProduqt17 it was sony not microsoft
Blasphemous review
The SNES controller was and IS the best game controller ever made?..
I would seriously play next-gen games with a SNES controller than those blister-inducing piles of torture devices called 360 and PS3 game controllers
i got a super nintendo n it still works but i lost the power cord could anyone help me out n tell me were i could purchase one?
@TheProduqt17 I miss Sega although I didn?t play there consoles much when they were around but I went back to the genesis, saturn and dreamcast and I love it so yeah DAMN YOU SONY AND MICROSHIT!
@GameSkiller117 no problem dude
I liked this controller so much, very beautiful design, godd grip. And (for me), this was the base for Sony to make the PlayStation Controler.
snes is the best controller of all time?when they added those 2 buttons on top they really changed it up..that?s where sega messed up with their 6 button controllers..every system after this has used this design
@scenscoff ah, i found it, thanks man!
@GameSkiller117 well go to his chanel and search for it or go to his 2008 vids for the 3690 and he?s recently done the xbox controlers the xbox control s was his last reveiw as of now
@scenscoff where? i havnt seen it
@GameSkiller117 hes done a 360 controler reveiw and an original xbox controler reveiw to
@MrSaturn8881 no the ORIGINAL xbox controller, not the 360
@GameSkiller117 Well.. He did!
you have done a review of any game controller that i can think of but you havnt done a review of the original xbox controllerm, can you do that pls
@bangaio1 Meh, I think he?s lazy personally. Most games he barely plays before reviewing, it seems. Plenty of mistakes and wrong information. Plus the comparisons he makes between games or controllers are always really crap. Yeah, he has played more games than me; that just makes it worse that he doesn?t know what he?s talking about half the time!
wow really yummy give it a rest he has prob played more ps 1 games and done more reviews and has more insight then u would ever know!!